1. In the study by Babcock in Ch. 7 of Give and Take, they found that women were equally effective negotiators as men when they were advocating/negotiating a salary for ____________
the next 20 years
a friend/other person
the next 5 years
2. According to Adam Grant, being "otherish" means that you ....
use trust as the default assumption, and refuse to adjust based on what the other person does
use distrust as the default assumption, but give if you are proven wrong
use distrust as the default assumption, and make sure to take care of yourself first
use trust as the default assumption, but make sure to verify (and adjust your strategy if necessary)
3. In the goals and unethical behavior article, the authors found unethical behavior to be most likely when subjects were _______ reaching their goal
anxious about
close to
interested in
far away from
4. Do your best goals were _____ likely to result in unethical behavior than unmet goals.
twice as