
In the given paper if theres any sentences that doesnt make

In the given Paper if there's any sentences that doesn't make sense than correct it.


Gay marriage or same-sex marriages (SSM) as well as same-sex couples are constantly affected by the civil unions & other human rights issues. (Chuck, 2014). In U.S., it was the most active religious conflict till the mid-2015. (Chuck, 2014). Nearly every country defines the marriage ability for their people, and it is the responsibility of central government to define those abilities. (Chuck, 2014). However, in the U.S., it is defined at the state level and due to various controversies with SSM, there were at least one battle in each of 50 states, the federal government, the District of Columbia, and the five U.S. territories. (Chuck, 2014).

However, several court rulings recently said that the states that either through the legislation or through amendments in their constitution banned the same-sex marriage have violated the equal protection clauses of the U.S. Constitution's 14th Amendment. Also, several national polls have reported the increasing favour of Americans for legalizing SSM since 2011. (Chappell, 2015). Furthermore, in June 2013, the ruling of federal Defense of Marriage Act was struck down by Supreme Court and states that the benefits to legally married same-sex couples could not be denied by the Government. (Chappell, 2015). This ruling of Supreme Court was also praised by the current President, who stated that the ruling arrived "like a thunderbolt" after a series of battles over SSM. (Chappell, 2015). He also states that this ruling will further help in strengthening all communities by offering equal status and dignity to all such couples as well as their families (Chappell, 2015).

The current research on Americans also shows the increase in sexual tolerance. For example, nearly 54% adults now morally accept the gay or lesbian relations. (Saad, 2012). Also, the public acceptance of such relations grew from 38% in 2002 to 56% in 2011. (Saad, 2012). Apart from that, the growth was also found regarding the support for legalizing the gay marriage, as the trends showed the increase from 42% in 2004 to 50% or more in recent years. (Saad, 2012). The research was also done for determining the attitudes of U.S. people regarding gays that whether such relations should be legalised or not. (Saad, 2012). The reports specified that approximately 63% people are in favour of legalising the gay relations, which is quite high as compared to support found in 1986, i.e. nearly 32%. Furthermore, the adults, women, and Democrats are more supportive regarding the rights of as compared to others. (Saad, 2012). The further studies reported that the nonreligious Americans act more supportively as compared to the Christians, and in Christians, the Catholics showed more support than Protestants. (Saad, 2012). Apart from that, a research was also done regarding the reason behind being gay or lesbian, and the reports showed that nearly 40% people thought that it is a trait and the person born with it, whereas, approximately 35% people believe that it results due to the upbringing as well as other environmental factors. (Saad, 2012). This result also showed the changes along with time as prior to 2001, most of the people believed that the upbringing was the reason behind homosexuality (Saad, 2012).

Also, the Evangelical Lutheran Church as well as the Episcopal Church in America allows the gay bishops and clergy since 2003, however, the other main denominations are still teachings against the homosexual behaviour. (Grossman, 2014). In spite of that, a research done by Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) showed that the percentage of people believing the SSM against their religious beliefs decreased from approximately 62% to 51%. (Grossman, 2014). It can also be specified within the specific groups, such as, 84% to 78% in case of white evangelical Protestants, 65% to 53% in case of Catholics, 66% to 61% in black Protestants, and 59% to 45% in the white mainline Protestants. (Grossman, 2014). Furthermore, one group shows increase in this trend, which is not affiliated with any religion and mainly belong to the less-educated minorities, from 18% to 26%. (Grossman, 2014).

Furthermore, several researchers from Florida Atlantic University, San Diego University and Hunter College also studied the data retrieved by the General Social Survey over many years that includes more than 33,000 adults. (Kraft, 2015). It was done to determine the views of adults regarding the premarital sex as well as homosexuality across several generations. (Kraft, 2015). The report also suggests an increase in acceptance of premarital sex in now days as compared to the early 1970s. For example, there were 29% adults in the early 1970s who thought that the premarital sex was not wrong; however, this value is further increased up to 42% in the 1980s and 90s, and further climbed to 58% by the year 2012. (Kraft, 2015).

Regarding the role of women in military, they have played important role since the Revolutionary War, but in the early days they have to disguise themselves to work alongside men. (Goldman, 1973). Although, after accepting into the military, they were still given the auxiliary roles. However, after the changes in the methods of warfare and weapons changed in the late 20th century, the country also realizes that the matter of gender is very less on the battlefield. (Goldman, 1973). Hence, in the 1991 Gulf War, the women worked with men in the integrated units. But, there was a setback for the military women in 1994, as the Defence Secretary implemented a rule for prohibiting the service of women in units that are engaged in the direct ground combat. (U.S. Department of Defense). However, despite this rule, the women continuously played their active roles in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Furthermore, in 2012, the Government released the order to permanently assign the women to the battalions. (U.S. Department of Defense). Hence, the women were started performing the critical jobs such as medics, radio operators, and tank mechanics. Also, in 2015, the women constituted nearly 15% of the U.S. military, in which approximately 165,000 women serve in the armed services and nearly 35,000 additional women serving as officers (U.S. Department of Defense).

Overall, the acceptance of homosexuals has increased in the past decade and the half or more people have started considering them as the equal members of society. They also accept that the gay relations should be made legal, and such same sex couples should have the right to get married legally. The role of women in military services has also increased as compared to past decades. Thus, it can be concluded that the sexual tolerance has been increasing in the U.S. people.

• Chuck, E. (2014). Where Same-Sex Marriage Stands in the 50 States. Retrieved from https://www.nbcnews.com/

• Chappell, B. (2015). Supreme Court Declares Same-Sex Marriage Legal In All 50 States. Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/06/26/417717613/supreme-court-rules-all-states-must-allow-same-sex-marriages

• Saad, L. (2012). U.S. Acceptance of Gay/Lesbian Relations Is the New Normal. Retrieved from https://www.gallup.com/poll/154634/acceptance-gay-lesbian-relations-new-normal.aspx

• Grossman, C. L. (2014). Survey: Tolerance for gays, lesbians rises rapidly. Retrieved from https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/26/homosexuality-opinion-survey/5828455/

• Kraft, A. (2015). Changing attitudes about premarital sex, homosexuality. Retrieved from https://www.cbsnews.com/news/changing-attitudes-about-premarital-sex-homosexuality/

• Goldman, N. (1973). The Changing Role of Women in the Armed Forces. American Journal of Sociology, 78(4), 892-911. https://dx.doi.org/10.1086/225409

• U.S. Department of Defence, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard. Retrieved from militarywoman.org

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