
In the first section of the body summarize the minimalist


For this assignment, write a 3-4-page apologetic of the resurrection. When writing an apologetic, you are essentially writing a persuasive essay; that is what this assignment is at its foundation-write a persuasive essay arguing for the resurrection of Christ.

Base this essay on the Module/Week 5 presentation by Dr. Gary Habermas entitled "The Minimalist Facts Argument." In presenting this essay, follow the provided template and the outline below:

1. Introduction -The introduction is an explanation of your purpose for writing (i.e. why you are writing this essay). Each student in this course should have a very similar introduction because everyone is writing on the same topic and using the same outline.

Include a thesis statement and a transition statement. A thesis statement is like telling someone what your destination is when you go on a trip. You would say, "I am headed from Idaho to Lynchburg." A thesis statement (for this course) should begin with the following phrase, "In this paper I will..."

You can finish this statement in many different ways (e.g. present an apologetic for the resurrection, explain the minimalist facts approach for the resurrection, argue that Jesus did in fact rise from the dead, etc.). What is your destination? That is the key question to answer when writing your thesis statement. Following the thesis statement is the transition statement. The transition statement gives the reader a list of directions to get to the final destination.

For example, if you are traveling from Idaho to Lynchburg you are going to take I-84 east toward Colorado, then I-70 east, then etc... The transition statement will list your outline. "In this paper I will..." "I will do this by..." or "I will do this in the following ways..." It is important to realize that you are giving the reader the destination and directions for them to reach the conclusion you are persuading them to accept.

2. Summary of the Minimalist Facts Argument - In the first section of the body, summarize the minimalist facts argument for accepting the resurrection of Christ as a real and historical event. Use Dr. Habermas' video presentation as the basis for your research. Feel free to use Chart 58 in House and Holden. You should also find 2 additional Internet or library sources that explain the minimalist facts approach for presenting an apologetic of the resurrection.

3. Apologetic - In this section, begin your persuasive writing. Use your summary above to show why it is logical to accept Christ as truly resurrected. Explain how the evidence presented above supports a logical belief in Christ's resurrection. Again, it is good to find additional resources from the Internet to support your presentation and explanation of the evidence.

4. Conclusion - The conclusion of a paper is a short explanation of what you accomplished. Look back at your thesis and transition statement. If you set out to do [insert thesis statement], ask yourself-did you do it? Did you achieve what your stated goal was for the assignment? If you did not achieve your goal, then go back and rework the body of your apologetic. If you did achieve your goal, briefly explain to the reader how you proved your point.

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Dissertation: In the first section of the body summarize the minimalist
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