
In the first section develop a project time plan for your


This assessment task comprises of two sections.

In the first section, develop a project time plan for your project of choice. In the second section, answer a series of questions, referring to your project, regarding project execution and evaluation.


1. Schedule Management Approach

Describe how the project time plan has been developed, All points MUST be addressed.

- Major inputs into the plan

- How resources and duration have been identified and estimated

- How realistic time estimates have been established

- What issues that could impact on the estimation have been considered

- How the project schedule has been created, what best practice have been followed

- How stakeholders have been communicated to in regards to the agreed schedule

2.Work Breakdown Structure

Include your WBS. Make sure to include sufficient details to enable effective planning and control.

3. Schedule Control


- How the project schedule will be controlled throughout the life cycle of the project. This includes: the frequency of updates, schedule reviews, communication of the schedule progress to stakeholders

- The process devised to manage any schedule change. This includes: how change requests are submitted, how the impact of the changes to the schedule is assessed and how changes are implemented to maintain project objectives

- Roles and responsibilities specific to project schedule control should also be mentioned.

- All points MUST be addressed

4. Schedule Review


- How schedule performance records to determine effectiveness of time management activities will be reviewed

- How schedule management issues will be identified and documented for future improvements.

All points MUST be addressed

5. Project Schedule

Attach the schedule for your project here or in a separate file with your submission

BSBPMG512_T1_ProjectScope_Your Name


Making appropriate reference to your project time plan, address each section covering all points.

Discuss what you would do if the following happened at execution phase:

1. One of your main deliverables (choose and describe one from your schedule) is heavily behind (you are two days from the deliverable's completion day and 50% of the tasks associated with that deliverable are still to be completed) due to staffing issues.

Refer to your project plan and discuss the following (ALL points MUST be discussed)

a. Indicate what project deliverable you have chosen to discuss

b. Analyse the impact of the issue on your project progress. Consider risks, resource requirements, interdependencies, cost, quality and so forth.

Use the table below to record your analysis















Other (Specify)


c. Determine what changes will be necessary in your project schedule and how they will be implemented. Record your answer in the table below:

Change to schedule








d. Discuss how you have monitored that deliverable.

e. Discuss how you are informing relevant stakeholders (mention which ones based on your project) about the issue. Record your answer in the table below:


Communication strategy (media, content, timing, frequency)













f. Based on your analysis, summarise what actions you are going to undertake to address the situation and discuss your response to maintain project objectives.

Consider your project, your 0project time planning document and reflect on the issues addressed in the previous questions (assume that the scenarios in question 1 happened in your execution phase).

2. Address the following (ALL points MUST be discussed):

a. How would you identify and document schedule management issues and recommend improvements for future projects?

b. Consider that you have now completed your project and you are preparing your project review report.

Write an evaluation report on the schedule plan (to include lesson learned and recommendations for future projects) addressed to your client. (Minimum 100 words)

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Business Management: In the first section develop a project time plan for your
Reference No:- TGS02861347

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