
In the case of richard jewell and the olympic bombing case

Investigations gone wrong

I have four investigations that went wrong because it was poor investigation. The first case is the Casey Anthony case that is about Casey who killed her 2 year old daughter Caylee. I watched the case very closely and I knew that she did it. What happened was that Casey never told the detectives that her daughter was missing.

She drinking, partying, and getting tattoos like nothing never happened to her daughter." (Biography.com, 2017). The reason why this case went wrong is because the jury only found her guilty on four counts of providing false information to law enforcement but, 2 of those counts got dropped. Also, she was sentenced to four years in jail and $4,000 in fines. Of course she only did 3 years and a day for good behavior. (Biography.com, 2017). What should of be done differently is that she should of got the death penalty for killing her daughter.

The other case is the Stanford student named Brock Turner, who was on the Variety Swim team got away with raping a woman. He was a freshman and the woman was visiting her sister at the college.

They were at a party and drinking but, she became unconscious and he sexually assaulted her behind a trash bin. How this investigation turned wrong was when "He was looking at a 14 year sentence but, only gets 6 months instead because the judge was easy on him." (Puckett, 2016). What should have been done is that he should have gotten the 14 years so, he can think about what he did.

The third case is the Duke Lacrosse team and accused of raping a woman named Crystal Magnum. She was there because "She was hired to strip for the team at a party." (Block, 2016). "He North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper, Mangum's allegations were deemed false. Cooper exonerated the students, saying in April 2007, "We have no credible evidence that an attack occurred."

(Block, 2016). Here is a crazy study from "Violence Against Women, only 2 to 10 percent of rape allegations are false." (Block, 2016). The reason why investigation went wrong is because the DA wanted to get re-elected and wanted to make a win so, people would vote for him. What should of happen is that the DA knew that it was a false crime and should of put Crystal in jail for 30 days for lying about a being raped when it didn't actually happen.

Last case that would be looked is at Richard Jewell because of the Olympic bombing in 1996. What happened was is that Richard was a security guard at the Olympics in Atlanta and he saw a suspicious green bag that was under a light and he called the police right away. He saved many lives that day but, 2 died and 11 were injured. It seemed it like since, he was the first person to the green bag he was the one who was a suspect instead of a hero. When looking at more of the information Richard did not cause the bombing.

It took them six years to find Eric Rudolph, "A former US Army explosives expert, was convicted of the bombing - and the bombing of three abortion clinics across the south and - sentenced to four life terms without the possibility of parole at Colorado's ADX Florence supermax prison." (Graham, 2016). What should have happened in this case is that Richard should have won a settlement from all the trouble that they went through by saying that he committed a crime that he didn't. He died at the age of 44 from heart failure.

In all these cases the investigations went wrong and it is so sad to see so many more cases being looked away at. If there were harsher crimes for people who kill their kids or adults rapping women and then maybe people would think before doing a crime. Nowadays, people are getting away with things that they shouldn't and the innocent people are the ones who are suffering.


Biography.com (2017). Casey Anthony. Biography.

Block, J. (2016). 10 Years Later, The Duke Lacrosse Rape Case Still Stings. Huffington Post.

Graham, A., B. (2016). The Atlanta Olympic Park Bombing, 20 Years on: Have We Learned The Lessons? (2016). The Guardian.

Puckett, L. (2016). Stanford Rape Case: To The Swimmer Who Attacked A Girl, I'm Sorry. We Have Failed You With Such A Light Sentence. Independent.

Discussion Board - Investigations gone wrong

In the case of Richard Jewell and the Olympic bombing case, the FBI was for all intent purposes rushed into leaping to conclusions instead of looking at the immediate facts of the case. While Jewell was finding the bag and instituting a security group to start clearing the area a phone call was received by the police from a telephone booth down the street.

The FBI instead of taking this extremely important fact into play instead took the word of a spiteful ex-coworker that Jewell most likely caused the incident in order to play the hero role in a terrible event. (Graham, 2016) Jewell was one of the first that the FBI interrogated concerning the bombing and even though one of the first points of interrogation is to discover whether or not the suspect had an alibi the FBI did not take this into account. (Osterburg & Ward, 2014, p.256) Making sure the social media did not say the FBI was doing nothing seemed to be the most important factor on their list and in consequence, the FBI ruined an innocent man's life.

In Ecclesiastes, the Bible talks to us about patience and pride, in the case of Jewell patience was forgotten while pride took over. "The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride" (NIV, 2012). I hope that in the future the justice department will remember this practice.


Graham, B. A. (2016, July 27). The Atlanta Olympic Park bombing, 20 years on: have we learned the lessons?

NIV study Bible. (2012). Grand Rapids, Mich.

Osterburg, J., & Ward, R. (2014). Criminal investigation. Waltham: Anderson Publishing - an imprint of Elsevier.

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