Need help trying to figure out counter controlled while loop. I need to write a counter-controlled while loop that uses the loop control variable to take on the values 0 and 10. How do I initialize the loop control variable before the program enters the loop?
In the boy of the loop, I need to multiply the value of the loop control variable by 10 and by 100, then I need to change the value of the loop control variable in the body of the loop.
String head1 = "Number: ";
String head2 = "Multiplied by 10: ";
String head3 = "Multiplied by 100: ";
int numberCounter; // Numbers 0 through 10.
int byTen; // Stores the number multiplied by 10.
int byHundred; // Stores the number multiplied by 100.
final int NUM_LOOPS = 10; // Constant used to control loop.
// This is the work done in the housekeeping() method
System.out.println("0 through 10 multiplied by 10 and by 100" + "n");
// This is the work done in the detailLoop() method
// Initialize loop control variable.
// Write your counter controlled while loop here
// Multiply by 10
// Multiply by 100