
In the article health disparity and cultural conflict

Topic DQ 1

It is essential to note that we actually live in a diverse nation and overcoming the shortcomings associated with cultural preferences and beliefs is a big obstacle for healthcare professionals today. In the article "Health Disparity and Cultural Conflict" cultural diversity is singled out to be more than one race. It is important for healthcare workers to know that addressing cultural diversity is far more than just understanding the values, practices, customs, and beliefs (Hughes, 2011). Apart from national origin and racial classification, there are various kinds of cultural diversity and these include language, age, religious affiliation, and geographical location.

Healthcare providers are expected to diligently accommodate the varying needs of the individuals they meet in their service provision. The needs actually range from the different cultural backgrounds to the learning styles and preferences as well as the mixed opinions that define their health and well-being (Lochman, 2012). The issue of language barrier is a big problem to many healthcare providers.

Nurses are normally exposed to various beliefs and cultures as they work in their healthcare fields. Apart from diversity, it is important
to consider the level of education plus the style of learning. This will enable the nurse to formulate the best teaching method relevant for the patient. Patients with various cultural differences can sometimes not be willing to take part in education or take in the teachings. In order to initiate any formal kind of teaching, trust must be developed (Campinha, 2003). Nurses should assess the values and ideas related to the illness and health of the patients, treatment provided, medication being taken, and the expectations to ensure effective teaching or learning.

Healthcare professional should pay very close attention to the cultural needs of their patients including expression and language. For example, a Chinese patient who has been disregarding signs unusual signs and symptoms of rectal bleeding for a long time. He has come to the hospital and diagnosed with colon cancer. The early treatment process however needs colon resection. The treatment process is discussed with the patient and risk also explained, particularly blood loss. In the process of surgery, the patient loses a lot of blood and the level of haemoglobin reduces below the normal range. This required immediate blood transfusion. However, the culture of the patient did not accept blood transfusion. The transfusion process had to be delayed since the patient refused. Such kind of cultural affiliations can affect the manner which care delivery is done and providers must be aware of them and teach the patients. Teaching should actually be a multidisciplinary team work which includes social work, dietician, and therapy department. Nurses should also be aware of their own values and beliefs before interacting with the various different cultures and accommodate them effectively.

Healthcare workers can overcome the shortcomings of cultural differences by accommodating the needs of every patient (Lachman, 2012).The issue of language barrier would require an interpreter service to ensure that the patient has a solid understanding of the diagnosis, the treatment process, the signs and symptoms, and education that follow up the treatment process. Religious beliefs are another big obstacle that healthcare providers face in addition to cultural preferences. Healthcare providers should be very responsive in their abilities to develop a flexible learning environment for the various diverse encounters in their career.


Campinha-Bacote, J. (2003). Many Faces: Addressing Hiversity in health care. Online Journal of Issues In Nursing, 8(1),
Hughes, R. G. (2011). Overview & Summary: Patient-centered care: Challenges and rewards. The Online Journal of Issues in
Nursing, 16(2).
Lachman, V. D. (2012). Applying the Ethics of Care to your Nursing Practice. Medsurg Nursing, 21(2), 112-4, 116.

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