
In the article aces and bombers the authors used

In the article aces and bombers, the authors used predominantly the theoretical perspective of which sociologist theorists?

erving goffman 

karl marx

george herbert mead

herbert spencer


the main point of the article titled aces and bombers is 

to redicule the bombers 

to explore how students impression management through strategies of concealment and revelation

to create a broad theory to explain all behaviors between students in the classroom

to argue that we cant really see patterns of interactions between aces and bombers

which statement was not made in the article 

people constantly manage their behaviors to create impressions that are favorable and advantageous to themselves. 

people practice impression management through verbal and non-verbal body language. 

impression management is a universal and constant process of social interaction

impression management is usually rare in our daily activities. 

which strategy of revelation results in a student finding out what another students grade is by not asking about the students overall grade but by asking how they answered a specific question 

this then allows for the ability to find out the students overall grade. 

foot in the door approach 

passive persuasion

accidental revelation

repressed bubbling 


which concealment strategy do students use when they do not look at their exam and attempt to appear as if they cafe less 

earlier departure or absenteeism 

lying about ones grade

subtle concealment 

adopt an air of nonchalance

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Science: In the article aces and bombers the authors used
Reference No:- TGS0956720

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