In studying the subculture of a particular group a

PLEASE make sure this writing assignment is original and has excellent grammar skills.

For this module, you are required to complete a Written Case Analysis (200 words). Please read Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues, Case 11, p. 120. Identify the moral issue(s) and the parties involved; identify what virtues are at stake or which relationships of care are at stake.

Case 11. In studying the subculture of a particular group, a sociologist must be accepted by the people and gain their trust. One such researcher is studying the people in an urban slum. She learns through their confidence that certain members of the community are involved in a car-theft ring. She does not report them to the police.

Submit your assignment to the Written Case Analysis 6 Dropbox no later than Saturday 4:59 PM EST/EDT. (This Dropbox is linked to Turnitin.) When you save your document, please make sure it includes the format: "Firstname Lastname-WCA6"

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