
in structure chart whole application is divided

In structure chart whole application is divided into modules (set of program instructions) and modules are designed according to some principles of design. These are:

Modularity and partitioning: Every system must comprises a hierarchy of modules. Lower level modules are usually smaller in size and scope compared to higher level modules. They serve to partition processes in separate functions.

Coupling: Modules must be loosely coupled. Which means that modules must have little dependence on other modules in a system.

Cohesion: Modules must be highly cohesive. It means that modules must carry out a single processing function.

Span of control: Modules must interact with and manage functions of a limited number of lower level modules. It means that number of called modules must be limited (in a calling module).

Size of Module: Number of instructions present in a module must be limited so that module size is normally small.

Shared use of Functions: Functions must not be duplicated in separate modules may be shared. It means that functions can be written in a single module and can be invoked by any other module when required.

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Computer Engineering: in structure chart whole application is divided
Reference No:- TGS0328445

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