
In reviewing the individual project for week 910 - i would

Question: In reviewing the Individual Project for Week 9/10 - I would work on a few sections of the assignment every week. Drafting each section and spend the last two weeks of the class working on the final product.

The product I selected was the fitbit and the features that would be most beneficial to me are:

Phone Alerts: Ability to synch fitbit to mobile phones - allows messages to be seen quicker and provide quick response. As it relates to safety easier to look at wrist rather than hold cell phone.

Personal Trainer Feature: Get real time heart rate, calories burned will keep me informed about health without having to go to the gym.

The improved version of the fit bit meets the Esteem need:

Use of fit bit will help individuals become healthier, keep them on track with their fitness goals. When goals are met self-esteem will be boosted as well as confidence being raised.

Mission statement for the fit bit: Technology to provide healthier efficient lifestyle.

Marketing goals: Fitness Technology for all ages

Global Fitness Support

Advanced Technology to monitor health.

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Dissertation: In reviewing the individual project for week 910 - i would
Reference No:- TGS02817972

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