Discussion 1- Corporate Culture and Human Capital - Strategic Management
In reviewing successful companies it becomes apparent they maximize a firm's human and social capital to create an energetic and engaged workforce. How critical do you believe is the culture and core values are to the overall organizational success?
Compare the best in class firms to others by utilizing a little research on "best companies to work for" rankings by Forbes. Finally take a moment and discuss your organization's culture. Going forward do you believe the company has the right individuals "on the bus" to make the strategy a success? If not where do the changes, have to be made? Please review the text materials in Chapter 10, 11, and 12
Thompson, A., Petraf, M., Gamble, J., and Strickland, A.J. (2016) Crafting and executing strategy :The Quest For Competitive Advantage : Concepts and Cases (20th ed.). New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill.
Discussion 2- The Impact of Disposal or Residual Values in the Capital Expenditure Investment Analysis - Managerial Accounting
In Chapter 10 on pages 369 and 370: Capital Investment Analysis - Measures and Methods; the text discusses several of the key aspects of capital expenditure analysis that a management team must consider when performing their strategic plan analysis and the potential capital expenditures required to support the plan's execution. The concept of "residual or disposal value" is an important factor to consider when completing an analysis. For our discussion , develop yourown viewpoint on whether residual or salvage values should be included in the analysis and if so, do they distort the final outcome of the capital expenditure analysis?
Crosson, S. V., & Needles, B. E. (2014). Managerial Accounting (10th ed.). South-Western Cengage Learning.