
In response to an identified need from small to mid-sized

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In response to an identified need from small to mid-sized companies, your organization created software to help companies manage human resource functions such as benefits program management, employment tax filing and payroll. Until now, the company has been located in a small office complex and the software has been developed, tested, piloted, and sold to companies in the local area that originally requested help with these services. The company is now ready to roll the product out to a national market.

However, a debate is taking place in the organization concerning the best way to get the product to other business customers. The company is a startup with typical limitations on cash flow; therefore, making the right decision is crucial to maintaining the financial health of the company.

The CEO feels that the best way to sell the product is indirectly through established software distributors.

The CFO feels that the best way to sell the software is direct to small business owners via the web - e-commerce.

Each executive asked key managers to research and make a presentation to defend their position regarding the best distribution channel in an executive debate. Your facilitator will assign each student to either the CEO or CFO team.

Debate Rules

Each team must develop its case using textbook references and incorporating marketing topics to defend its position.

All team members must contribute to the debate.

Each team will post three arguments to defend its position:

Opening Statement (Maximum 250 words)

Rebuttal Statement (Maximum 350 words)

Closing Argument (Maximum 200 words)

Your facilitator will post deadlines for posting team statements and will establish discussion areas to post arguments. The facilitator will declare which team provided the convincing and winning argument. The facilitator may ask students to provide additional observations concerning distribution merits learned through the debate.

Attachment:- debate_transcript_1.rar

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Marketing Research: In response to an identified need from small to mid-sized
Reference No:- TGS02202240

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