Please I need good and quality answers. Also please I want good citation, good in text citation and good references. I want it in APA format. Please the professor uses turnit in so free from plagiarism. Also, please I want good, quality, APA format, good citation and references. Please I need good and quality answers. Also please I want good citation, good in text citation and good references.
I want it in APA format. Please the professor uses turnit in so free from plagiarism. Also, please I want good, quality, APA format, good citation and references.
In responding to the learning activities, please be sure to use the course material using in-text citations and a reference list to cite the source(s) used. Remember, an in-text citation cannot exist without having a corresponding reference list and a reference list cannot exist without having a corresponding in-text citation.
Use of the course material using in-text citations and a reference list is always expected in the learning activities and good practice for the assignments in the course
HRMN 367 7980 Organizational Culture
Activity #1
1) Watch this video on the OCAI survey instrument:
2) Go to this page and take the FREE survey:
Based on these:
a) How did your organization rate on the OCAI instrument you did?
b) Do you agree with the results? Why or why not?
Activity #2
Explain culture as a "social pattern"
How is (or how isn't) that a useful definition?
Activity #3
Is PowerPoint helpful/useful and how is it helpful/useful?
Activity #4
"The field of organizational behavior and the related discipline of management science began investigating organizations in terms of culture as early as the 1930s"
How do you see the link (or relationship) between organizational behavior and organizational culture?
MRKT 412 7980 Marketing Research
Topics covered this week include exploratory research design, including classification and differences between research designs; in-depth interviews; focus groups; and projective techniques. We'll also learn about the Marketing Research Mix.
Read first before answering the question below:
• Chapter 2 (Shukla text): Exploratory research design
• Chapter 3 (Hague text): Research Design
• The Marketing Research Mix - a tool for Practitioners and Scholars:
• Exploratory, Descriptive, and Casual Research Designs
• Survey Design:
Week 2 covers a lot of material. As you have seen, there are many different kinds of research design, and each one has its advantages and disadvantages.
1) Think about the question you came up with last week. Rewrite it or restate it.
Answer to question 1 is: Do older people prefer diet coke to diet Pepsi?
2) Based on the different kinds of research design we saw this week (causal, exploratory, descriptive, survey) and based on the question you need to answer in question 1, which kind of research design will be best for your project? Why?
3) Based on the Market Research Mix, describe (for the research you will carry out):
a) the Purpose
b) the Population
c) the Procedure
d) the Publication
(You may need to review this article for question 3 of this question: )