
In reference to aeschylus oresteia agamemnon and the

In reference to Aeschylus Oresteia: Agamemnon and The Libation Bearers, answer the following questions:

  1. Do relationships arise through natural bonds or in social bonds? Who does or does not recognize Orestes in this play? What theme do you think Aeschylus intended to draw out through these details?
  2. How does the obligation to avenge the death of his father shape Orestes' life? Can you see any parallels between Orestes and the children in Death in Gaza? What would you lose if you were in the position to avenge crimes against your family - or your people?
  3. Blood is the basis of obligation in Agamemnon. What new kind of obligation do you see introduced in Libation Bearers? What kind of relationship does this new type of obligation make possible?
  4. In Libation Bearers we see four things that signal change in the social order of Argos. Please choose at least one of them and discuss what it means.
  5. What does the paramilitary say about Ahmed when the reporter expresses concern that he is too young to be involved in the fighting? What do you think about his response? Are certain conditions necessary to allow us to be individuals and appreciate one another's uniqueness?

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Dissertation: In reference to aeschylus oresteia agamemnon and the
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