In reading the international press select a situation

In reading the international press, select a situation involving people from more than one culture (such as Russians negotiating a trade agreement with Italians). Analyze the situation using at least one of the Kluckhohn and Strodbeck values dimensions. Identify how the values differences are both helping and hindering the probability of a successful outcome of the situation.

2.In triads (groups of three): Describe the international situation you selected and how you see the cultural differences potentially both helping and hindering a successful outcome. With your colleagues, identify at least two additional ways in which the cultural differences could potentially help and hinder a successful outcome.

3. Turn in a description of the international situation you selected, your analysis of the cultural similarities and differences among the two cultures, and your assessment of the ways in which the cross-cultural differences could potentially help and hinder the probability of a successful outcome of the situation

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Business Management: In reading the international press select a situation
Reference No:- TGS0643061

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