
In quarter 2 of the simulation one of your goals is to seek

Finding and Retaining Talent

In Quarter 2 of the simulation, one of your goals is to seek employee insights to improve firm performance. In Quarter 3 of the simulation you will be looking at the results of the first Employee Survey. As you grow your company in the marketplace simulation, you will be devoting time, energy and resources to recruiting and retaining top talent. Mrkvicka (2013) cites results from the Deloitte 2013 survey "Approximately one in four respondents from all geographics surveyed-including the Americas (24%), Europe, Middle East and Africa (28%) and Asia Pacific (24%) cited attracting, motivating and keeping talent as their top priority" (p. 24).

As a young and growing company, selecting employees who are aligned with your culture can increase company productivity and reduce costs, a key bottom line consideration. Watch Jensen Huang discuss employee selection and culture . The challenges leaders will face in finding and retaining great employees are growing in size and complexity. "But the biggest change the 2020 workplace will present is the age-diverse workplace: by 2020 there will be five generations in the workplace at once" (Meister and Willyerd, 2010, page 5).

For this Discussion, think about the recruitment and retention strategy that you will need to develop for your simulation company. Using the support materials in the simulation, your additional research (at least three academically credible sources), personal experience, and tools that you have gained in other Kaplan courses, you will present for discussion a post that contains these elements as a base:

Using at least 300-350 words. 

  • Your overall strategy for recruitment and retention
  • Why this strategy is in alignment with your company culture
  • How you will measure the success of this strategy
  • What elements are you unsure about and what specific help you would like from your peers to increase the effectiveness of your plan

Using your readings, the information from prior courses including, GB520: Strategic Human Resources Management, any other Human Resource courses you may have taken, and personal experience will be helpful to you in this Discussion response.


Meister, J. C., & Willyerd, K. (2010). Leadership 2020. Leadership Excellence , 27(7), 5.

Mrkvicka, N. (2013). Study Reveals Global Talent Squeeze. Plans & Trusts, 31(3), 24-25.

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Business Management: In quarter 2 of the simulation one of your goals is to seek
Reference No:- TGS01132317

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