
In project 1a you will write a short paper on sklairs

Assignment: Globalization

Before beginning this project, please read the following:

• Lechner and Boli (Eds.),(2015). The Globalization Reader (5th ed.)

o Chapter 7: Sociology of the Global System

• Appelrouth, S. and Edles, L.D.(2008). "The Global Society" Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory,

o Chapter 17 [PDF file size 351 KB]

• Module Notes

In Project 1A, you will write a short paper on Sklair's perspective on globalization. Address the following in your paper:

• Although Sklair notes that the current global system is "not synonymous with the global capitalist system," he regards specific features of world capitalism as driving forces of globalization. What are these features, and what is their impact? Give your own examples, different from the examples in the textbook, of these features.

• Compare Sklair's views with Appelrouth and Edles' analysis of the "weak" version and the "strong" version of globalization? What are the points of convergence and of divergence between the two views?

Keep the following point in mind:

• The project demonstrates understanding and analysis of the specified readings.

The paper, not including the cover page, should be 500 words in length, double spaced in 12-point font. Be sure to submit your project in one Word document in APA format.

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International Economics: In project 1a you will write a short paper on sklairs
Reference No:- TGS02776578

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