
In preparation for meetings one must be careful to avoid 1

In preparation for meetings, one must be careful to avoid: 1.)holding a meeting when distributing a message would have beensufficient and 2.) holding a meeting without a specific goal inmind. Once you're sure a meeting MUST take place, proceedwith these four (4) tasks in mind:

Identify your purpose

Select participants for the meeting

Choose the time and facility (online for thisassignment)

Set the agenda

For this assignment, demonstrate the principles of effectivecommunication by setting up a meeting online. First, think ofthe reasoning behind WHY a meeting must take place, and thenformulate the appropriate format for this onlinemeeting.  Depending on the complexity of the meeting, youmay need to first send a detailed planning agenda in advance to letpresenters know what they will need to prepare, then you can createa simpler agenda to follow.  

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Reference No:- TGS0668959

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