In our discussion of the various tactics used in

In our discussion of the various tactics used in advertising, it was determined that what Arrington called “puffery” was indeed a _______________. (a) form of lying, & thus immoral, (b) way of creating artificial desires in potential customers, (c) a form of subliminal stimulation, (d) harmless form of amusing exaggeration used to inform customers of a product.

(Numbers 20 and 21 are to be read together but answered as two successive questions)

Concerning justifications of “whistle-blowing,” the major difference between the standard theory & the complicity theory is that the former is based on (20) ________ principles while the latter is based (21) _________ principles. (a) egoistic, (b) deontological, (c) utilitarian, (d) virtue ethical.

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Business Economics: In our discussion of the various tactics used in
Reference No:- TGS01289682

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