
In order to support your selection of a relevant course


This assignment builds on and expands work already begun. You selected an artist, and found three research sources and at least one visual image about your selected artist. Now, you are being asked to use these research sources to construct a research paper which can teach others about your selected artist and any ideas you may have about your topic, making sure now to also comment on the relevance of your artist to this course, to your life, and to our world in general.

In other words, prepare a traditional research paper about your artist/topic but also critically consider relevance. What important information about your artist/topic do you want to teach your readers and what can you tell readers about how your topic may be important for this course and right now in our world, or in your own life, major, etc...?

Suggestions, Guidance, and Requirements:

- Use MLA style for all citations and also to identify all visual images or items whether they be a video, a screenshot of a YouTube video, a film still or clip, or a painting, etc.; use MLA for all citations

- Use the three research sources you selected in week 10 in order to inform your content; correctly cite these sources in MLA style

- Use correct MLA in-text references as well as a Works Cited list as needed in order to correctly identify all researched information

- Include your selected visual image from week 10. But also keep in mind that you are free to include in this post anywhere from 1 to 3 visual images total and as you see fit in order to illustrate and support your writing

- Work into your writing some reference to course material in order demonstrate the relevance of your artist to this course - this will take some critical thinking: what course content do you feel most relates and why? Reference at least one relevant artist or topic we learned about; you may find it helpful to include a visual image in support of this; you may find that you want to compare your image to the image from the course, etc...

- In order to support your selection of a relevant course artist or topic, please also use and make reference to at least one course reading or posted learning item. Which reading, website, or video from our course makes the most sense here? Can you use information from this source as support in your writing? Be sure to cite at least one learning item from our course

- Work into your thoughts about relevance some consideration of why, how, and in what ways your artist/topic might be important or relevant in our world, or in your own life or major right now. Again, this may take some reflection and critical thinking

- Keep in mind that your audience consists of your colleagues in this class. Thus, when formulating your writing you may want to think about what fascinating, rich, germane, interesting, and insightful information about your artist you want them to know. How should your readers be connecting this artist to our learning this semester, or indeed, to our world? How might you explain the relevance of this artist to our course, our world, or to your life?

- Aim to pack your writing with insightful facts, details, and specific examples in order to bring your artist/topic, ideas about relevance, and indeed all writing to vivid life for your reader. Be sure to fully demonstrate knowledge and understanding. Writing should be organized but do feel free to be creative, or creatively engaging, in your approach if it suits your purpose.

- Come up with an engaging title for your post and include your title and your name in the title space

- All work, images, text should be posted to the Blog Site

- Aim for 1000 words, give or take 200 words either direction

- Please read through the blog posts and learn from others in the course - leave comments of at least 3 or more sentences on at least 2 other posts. Comments should clearly demonstrate engagement with and understanding of the post

- Finally, respond to at least one comment left on your own post. Aim for a response of at least 3 or more sentences

- All posts must have one comment before a second is left

A level work:

A level work always meets all requirements and follows all suggestions to an extremely high degree of excellence and at times may even go above and beyond all expectation. A level work uses many critically considered supporting and specific details and examples and demonstrates beyond any doubt that time and care were spent with the assignment. Understanding and critical consideration of course content is not only clear but has been carefully and critically considered and utilized in highly insightful ways; writing demonstrates beyond any doubt that learning and research about selected artist is solid and fully demonstrated through many rich, engaging, detailed, and specific examples; relevance is insightful, illuminating, and furthers links and connection between selected artist and course learning, our present moment, writer's life, etc. With A level work a reader never has to stumble or guess at meaning or scheme as word choice, edits, writing mechanics, style, flow, and organization of ideas are always excellent; A level work clearly and correctly cites all researched information in MLA style and it is clear beyond any doubt that MLA citation guide was consulted and utilized. Comments and interactions meet or exceed requirements and it is clear that thought, time, and care were spent. A level work is always a joy to read, always illuminates a topic for the reader, and it is always clear that writer took care, time, and pride in creating the work. Note that if any of the above items are even slightly muddy, called into question, or feel uncertain or shaky, then the work cannot be considered A level.


ARTIST 1: Caledonia Curry A.K.A Swoon
ARTIST 2: Kerry Marshall

-PLEASE FIND DIFFERENT SOURCES (different types, book, jornal, blog, etc..) FOR EACH ARTIST and include them in the essays.

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Other Subject: In order to support your selection of a relevant course
Reference No:- TGS02376117

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