
In order to meet the increasingdemand of food grain in the

You are requested to submit task 1 in keeping with the scenario mentioned below.

Lankan Agro Products Holdings (Pvt.) Limited (LAPH) is a Sri Lankan based venture who has established as thelargest enterprise of Ceylon Chemical IndustriesCorporation (CCIC). LAPH has been established in 1986 to facilitate the agriculture growth of Sri Lanka throughproducing granular urea. LAPH always believe in nourishment and good health of their end users. Adhering to strict quality standards LAPH carefully monitor the entire supply chain to continuously improve themselves. Itis situated at Dambulla in Matala district.

Its urea production capacity is 1,700 metricton per day (MTPD) designed by SNAMPROGETTIand Ammonia production capacity is 1,078 MTPDdesigned by HALDORTOPSOE of Denmark. The total plant infrastructure was constructed by MitsubishiHeavy Industries Limited (MHI) of Japan. In order to meet the increasingdemand of food grain in the country, Fertilizer is one of the main inputs to agricultural sector. It is an essential prerequisite to increase food production.

CeylonChemical Industries Corporation (CCIC) is one of the biggest industrial organizations in the public sector under Ministry of Industries, Government of Sri Lanka. CCIC is concerned with thesetting of objectives, approval of budget, monitoring of actual performance and rendering expertise assistancefor LAPH. The LAPH management has been executingrequired administrative, technical, commercialand financial authority to operate it efficiently anddynamically. In the plant data are continuously generating by reformers, boilers, heat exchangers, power generationunits, ion-exchangers, coolers, HP stripper, urea reactor,compressors, pumps, agitators, fans and blowers at everymoment. Besides sales; accounts and finance; productionand maintenance; purchase and store; personnel and HRD;inspection and suppliers and customers also generate data.

Now, there is no organized MIS to handle and processesfor data take better decision. During this technologicalera it is very difficult to make profitable or runningsmooth such a large enterprise without MIS. Therefore,it is crucial to implement MIS in this factory. Industrialcountries have increased their productivity by applying IT.

Existing facilities in LAPH

S.No.     Present Using Sections     Present status computers & Printers in LAPH
                                                          Computers                Printers
01                MD's office                             1                            1
02.          Operation division                        1                            1
03.        Ammonia plant section                   1                             -
04.           Technical division                        1                            1
05.          Instrument section                       1                             -
06.             MTS division                             1                            1
07.            Admin division                           1                            1
08.           Account division                          1                            1
09.           Account section                           3                            1
10.         Computer section                          1                            1
11.       Commercial division                        1                            1
12.         Purchase section                           1                            -
13.           MPIC division                              1                            1
14.          Computer cell                              3                            1
15.           Civil division                               1                            -
16.              College                                    2                            1
                    Total                                      21                          12

Business unit of LAPH:

The Chief Executive Officer of LAPH is Managing Director (MD). Under MD there are 9 (nine) General Managers (GM). There are about 50 (fifty)sections/subsections under nine GMs. The names ofdivision and sections i.e. business units are following:

· Office of the Managing Director.
· Office of the General Manager Administration:

o Personnel Administration, Labour Section, LabourWelfare, School and College, Estate section, Transportsection, CBA, Requirement Section and Common ServiceSection.

· Office of the Chief Medical Officer: MedicalCentre.
· Office of the General Manager (Accounts andFinance):

o General Accounts, Cost & Budget, Pay & Bill,Insurance, Tax and Audit, Cash & Bank, Store Accountsand Computer Section.

· Office of the General Manager Commercial:

o Local Purchase, Foreign Purchase and Sales.

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Dissertation: In order to meet the increasingdemand of food grain in the
Reference No:- TGS01252971

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