As the enthusiastic and motivated student that you are, you decided to go out and buy plenty of pens for all your classes this semester. This spending spree unfortunately occurred before you realized your engineering classes seldom required the use of "ink". So now, you're left with four different types of pens and no receipt-you only remember the total amount you spent, and not the price of each type of pen. You decide to get together with three of your friends who coincidentally did the same thing as you, buying the same four types of pens and knowing only the total amount.
In order to find the price of each individual pen, you create a matrix called "pens", where each column represents a different type of pen and each row represents a different person.
You then generate a column vector totals that contains the amount of money each of you spent on the pens:
totals = [19.60 18.78 25.59 19.26]'
Write a script to find the prices of each type of pen.