
In order to effectively comparecontrast the two systems you

Write an essay explaining the differences between Parliamentary System V.s. Presidential System.

Argue that Presidential System is more Democratic.

Comparative Essay

Overview of Requirements:

Format: The paper should be 4-5 pages, not including the title page and bibliography (you must include a title page and bibliography). I do not take off points for going over the page requirement, but will if you write fewer than 4 pages. The papers should be typed in 12pt/Times New Roman font, double-spaced with 1" margins on all sides.

Citation and sources: For this assignment, you will be expected to cite class sources and materials to bolster your arguments.The majority of citations must come from class readings, not your lecture notes.You do not have to do outside research for this assignment. In other words, you only need to use class materials.

You will be required to use APA citation style and include a title page and bibliography page (separate from your page count). For information on how to use APA citation style.

Essay Content: This essay will be comparing and contrasting presidential and parliamentary systems. You will ultimately make an argument for which system is more democratic. You will be expected to compare/contrast the two systems, discuss the advantages/disadvantages of each and then present an argument for which one is more democratic.

• As with any good essay, you need to have an introduction, body, and conclusion.

• The Introduction needs a strong and clear thesis statement that answers the main question of this assignment (which is more democratic). This is your main argument of the paper. For instance, "While each system has their merits, presidential systems are clearly more democratic due to the ability of voters to directly elect the chief executive." The thesis is the second to last sentence in the introduction.

• You also need to include a plan statement in the introduction that tells the reader what to expect (last sentence of introduction). For instance, "This paper will compare and contrast the two systems, discuss the benefits and critiques of each and lastly analyze why presidential systems are ultimately more democratic." The plan statement is the last sentence of the introduction.

• The body of your paper should address each of the points above (compare/contrast, benefits/critiques, and which is more democratic). The system that is more democratic should not be discussed only in the conclusion; it should be the 3rd main point.

o In order to effectively compare/contrast the two systems, you should describe how each system works. It is highly recommended that you focus on explaining/describing one system at a time and highlight differences/similarities in the discussion of the 2nd system.

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Dissertation: In order to effectively comparecontrast the two systems you
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