As an example the problem of a load on an L-shaped region is considered, see Figure 29.4. On the short leg the load is 15 kPa, on the larger leg the load is 5 kPa. The problem is to determine the vertical normal stress at a depth of 8 m below the point A. The first step in the solution is to draw the loaded area on such a scale that the reference length z in Newmark's diagram corresponds to 8 m, see Figure 29.5, and such that the point A is located in the origin of the circles. The short leg of the loaded area now covers about 7 rectangles, and the long leg covers about 34 rectangles. This means that the stress is

In order to determine the stress at a greater depth, say at a depth of 16 m, the loaded area should be drawn half as large. This then covers a smaller number of rectangles, so that the stress will be smaller.