
In order to demonstrate the effect of oxygen transfer to

In order to demonstrate the effect of oxygen transfer to tissue engineered constructs, Radisic et al proposed to carry out an experiment on a thick cylindrical porous scaffold with seeded cells.

1668_Demonstrate the effect of oxygen transfer.png

Due to the thickness of the scaffold, delivery of oxygen from the surrounding culture media to the center of the cylinder is very difficult. To do this they made a number of small cylindrical channels to which oxygen dissolved in culture media can flow and diffuse. A two-dimensional view is given below. Now consider the two small cylindrical channels shown below. The only way to deliver oxygen is by diffusion in the r direction from the flowing stream in the z direction. The oxygen concentration (Co) in the z direction is uniform. The oxygen consumption rate (V) in the r direction by the cells is zero order.

This is a tissue engineering problem about oxygen transfer

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Other Engineering: In order to demonstrate the effect of oxygen transfer to
Reference No:- TGS01159435

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4/30/2016 7:05:55 AM

The assignment is basically all about the tissue engineering problem regarding oxygen transfer. In order to explain the effect of oxygen transfer to tissue engineered constructs, Radisic et al recommended carrying out an experiment on a thick cylindrical porous scaffold having seeded cells. Because of the thickness of the scaffold, delivery of oxygen from the surrounding culture media to the center of cylinder is very hard. To perform this they prepare a number of small cylindrical channels to which oxygen dissolved in the culture media can flow and diffuse. The 2-dimensional view is illustrated in the problem. Now consider that the two small cylindrical channels illustrated. The only means to deliver oxygen is by diffusion in the r direction from the flowing stream in the z-direction. The oxygen concentration (Co) in z-direction is uniform. The oxygen consumption rate (V) in r direction via the cells is of zero order.