Module - Business Models
The aim of this assignment is to have you think about how companies make money. A description of this is often referred to as their business model.
This assignment seeks to help you understand the answer to a broader concern and that is, "How do companies make money?"
In order to complete this assignment you will be using the AIEIS video interview database.
How to get access to AIEIS video database: (click to open/close)
First, go to the web site of the Acadia International Executive Insight Series (AIEIS) and access
Busi 4913 Online CI for Business Strategy -> Online CI for Business Strategy Collection
View and listen to at least ten of the responses as they discuss the business models of their company.
Second, read the description for "business model" noted on the Wikipedia web site. Many different models are suggested. Once you have undertaken these two tasks, please do the following:
• Match 10 interview responses with business models noted on the Wikipedia web site Your response should include at least 4 business models. More than one interview response may correspond with a particular business model.
• For each of the ten matches, please summarize the model in one or two sentences, quote a sentence from the video database interview that leads to suggest the match and identify the speaker as well as his or her company.