
In order to begin a research project scientists often need

In order to begin a research project scientists often need tocreate or synthesize materials that can be used in research. In thecase of true research these materials often cannot be purchased.This is the status of the research project now being under taken inyour biochemistry course. You have been working with plasmidscreated previously by the research team working with Dr. March. Inorder to further this research it is essential to make materials(in this case protein expression plasmids) that will serve as abasis for further research.

We have accomplished this, BUT we need to be sure about ourplasmids.

How do you know your DNA pellet contains the plasmid that youthink it does?
How do you know that there is any DNA at all?
What experiment do you think we should do next to answer these questions?

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Biology: In order to begin a research project scientists often need
Reference No:- TGS0801418

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