
In order to address senior managements concerns about how

Instructions:  Assume you have just been contacted by senior management and they indicated that they were intrigued by your findings and want to learn more.  They have asked you to prepare another report that discusses the three biggest factors that must be considered if they decide to pursue the expansion plan you proposed.  They understand that one of the factors that must be considered is how to lead and motivate this new workforce.  In your report, you will need to specifically discuss this issue (refer to Question 2 for more information) and then you are to select two other factors (see Question 3) that must be considered in order to make this expansion a success. 

1.  Begin your paper by reintroducing me to your company.  Briefly present what you learned from you cultural briefing.  Note that this is a summary and should be less than one page.  However, if your initial briefing was incomplete, take this opportunity to supplement your original analysis.  

2.  In order to address senior management's concerns about how to lead and motivate this new workforce, you will draw upon Path-Goal Theory.  Begin by completing the Path-Goal Leadership Questionnaire on pages 154-156 in Northouse.  Provide your numerical scores and your interpretation of what these scores reveal about you.  Be sure to provide sufficient details to demonstrate to me that you understand what these results mean.  Based on your results, would your leadership style be a good fit for this cultural climate?  In other words, would your style energize members of this organization and motivate them to maintain high levels of performance?  If not, what leadership style would be most effective in this cultural setting?  Explain why.  

3.  From the list below, select two other important issues that your company will need to address in order to be successful in your target country.  Note that these items are drawn directly from the topics you read and studied each week in this class.   For each topic you select, identify the ideas, principles, or theories you think will be most useful to your company as they expand their operations.  Provide sufficient detail to show me that you have a sound working knowledge of this information.  Then show how you will apply this knowledge to your specific situation.  Your goal is to be specific about what your organization needs to know and do to make this international venture successful.  Now is the time to shine and show me how much you have learned about these topics!  

a.  Communication
b.  Teamwork
c.  Ethical practices
d.  Negotiating
e.  Decision making

 This paper should be approximately eight pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, table of contents, reference page, and appendices).

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Other Subject: In order to address senior managements concerns about how
Reference No:- TGS01222852

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Anonymous user

2/19/2016 2:21:51 AM

As showing below assignment that need to complete carefully as per instructions. Suppose you have just been contacted via senior management and they specified that they were intrigued by your discovering and want to learn more. They have asked you to get ready another report that discusses the 3 biggest issues that must be considered if they decide to pursue the expansion plan you proposed. They comprehend that one of the features that must be considered is how to lead and motivate this new workforce. In your report, you will need to particularly converse this issue (refer to Question 2 for more information) and then you are to choose 2 other factors that must be considered in order to make this expansion a success.