
In order for change to be successfully accomplished vision

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In order for change to be successfully accomplished, vision, belief, strategic planning, action, persistence, and patience must all be present.

According to Kotter and Cohen's Model of Change, there are eight steps for successful change. Those steps are:

1. Increase urgency

2. Build the guiding team

3. Get the vision right

4. Communicate for the "buy-in"

5. Empower action and remove barriers

6. Create short term wins

7. Don't let up

8. Make change stick

The key to organizational change lies in help people feel differently. People can change their behaviors less if they are given facts or analysis that change their ways of thinking when they are shown truths that influence the way that they feel (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 2015).

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving technique which is useful in emergency situations, including heart attack or near drowning, in which someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped.

The American Heart Association recommends that everyone-untrained bystanders or medical personnel begin CPR with chest compressions. When the heart stops beating, the lack of oxygenated blood can cause brain damage within eight to ten minutes.

CPR beginning with chest compressions can keep the oxygenated blood flowing to the brain and vital organs until a more definitive medical treatment is able to restore normal heart rhythm (Mayo Clinic, 2017). As of 2005, the CPR guidelines emphasized the ABCD approach for acute cardiopulmonary arrest.

This emphasized that airway, breathing, circulation, and defibrillation were the recommended guidelines and the algorithm for CPR followed the following sequence:

• Call for help and an AED

• Open the airway, check for breathing and give two breathes if not breathing

• Start cycles of 30 compressions and two breaths (100 compressions/minute)

• Check for shockable rhythm upon arrival of AED

• Give one shock if indicated

• Resume CPR for another five cycles, or if no shock indicated continue CPR before rechecking rhythm (Cayley, 2006).

In 2015, the CPR guidelines were changed with emphasized the sequence for CPR to be CAB, or compressions, airway, breathing. There should be a delay of no more than ten seconds when starting chest compressions, by simultaneously checking pulse and providing a breath for the patient (NREMT, 2015)

The guidelines for chest compressions also changed with the sequence change. In 2005, is was advised to perform 100 compressions per minute. When the sequence changed, the rate of compressions changed to 100-120 compressions per minute. All of the eight steps as described above can be seen in this change in scenario.

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Dissertation: In order for change to be successfully accomplished vision
Reference No:- TGS02455527

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