
In managing others human perception attitudes and

In managing others, human perception, attitudes and motivation are of great importance. One important OB issue spanning these dimensions is the concept of "perceived fairness" in the workplace. Fairness is such a common phenomenon in organizations that most leaders/ managers typically give it little thought. If an employee says the vacation/ leave, or other policy, isn't fair, he or she might get some attention. But what seems fair to one person may not seem fair to another. Part of the reason for this discrepancy is that people use different rules for deciding what is fair. Collectively these rules are called “Organizational Justice” and there are 3 types of Justice: •Distributive Justice – people decide what is fair based on results and outcomes that are fair to everyone •Procedural Justice – people decide what is fair based on the methods or procedures that are perceived as being fair to everyone •Interactional Justice – people decide what is fair based on the way people are treated that is seen as being fair to everyone 1.In this module, we will be exploring the question of Justice through a modified role play involving a missed promotion. During week one, we will be dividing into two groups. You will be asked to read some instructions on the exercise for one or the other group. Please avoid the temptation of reading the instructions for both roles. Your ability to successfully complete the role play will be severely compromised if you do. If you are curious, you can always go back at the end of the module and read the other’s instructions! This exercise is modified from Caza, A., Caza, B.B., & Lind, E.A. (2010). The missed promotion: An exercise demonstrating the importance of organizational justice. Journal of Management Education, first published on October 1, 2010 doi:10.1177/1052562910381875 You have been employed at Universidad Cable for 2 years.

You will soon be meeting with your immediate supervisor, Chris. You sent an email requesting this meeting, because you just found out that you did not receive a promotion you were expecting. You were surprised and disappointed when you learned that you did not get the promotion. You are definitely qualified. Moreover, your unique combination of skills and experience would have made you very effective in the new position. You will be meeting with Chris in 10 mins. To prepare, think about the issues involved in the meeting. There are four questions below. Please consider and write your answers to each of the questions in the space provided. Focus on the most important points in answering the questions. 1. Describe your goal for this meeting. What would make it successful? 2..What do you think Chris’s goal for the meeting is? 3..How will you reach your goal? What approach will you use? 4.Describe any other issues or concerns you have about this meeting.

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Operation Management: In managing others human perception attitudes and
Reference No:- TGS01270755

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