
In last weeks discussion i chose to break down the problem

In 100 words state if you agree or disagree with the summary below and why? PLEASE reframe from using Overuse of ambiguous terms such as it, this, and they should not be used.

In last week’s discussion, I chose to break down the problem employees into three categories.

The first category was individuals who perform a single action that jeopardizes the integrity of the organization by breaking an organizational rule or local law.

The second category is those individuals who break rules that are not detrimental to the daily operation of the organization but over a period of time can contribute to a decrease in production.

The last category of problem employees is those who work within the constraints of their position and never break any written rules. The question now becomes how you deal with these problem employees and the strategies that you could use to change the behavior.

The first category can be difficult to develop a strategy for since it’s a onetime instance and usually unexpected. The strategic plan would be to train these individuals on the rules and regulations and the possible disciplinary outcomes should these rules be violated. Another strategy that could be used to eliminate the behavior could be closer monitoring of the employees to try and avoid these instances where an employee breaks the rules. Using an example from the class was the bank employee who misses used funds and was terminated. If the employee fully understood the rules and was being watched closely, the unknowing employee could have been stopped prior to the offense. Again, this category may be the most difficult to address. There will always be employees who are looking to cheat or steal from the organization but having an active supervisor who watches their employees could help avoid this situation.

The second category should be the easiest to deal with in terms of avoiding progressive discipline. As these employees violate the first rule, a documented counseling session should take place indicating the violation and a refresher of the organizations' rules and expected expectations. If an initial counseling session does not fix the behavior, then additional documentation and progressive discipline should be initiated in the form of a verbal or written reprimand depending on your organizations' policies. This process should continue in accordance with your organizations' policies and procedures until the employee meets the requirements for termination. Well-developed counseling sessions can assist in the progressive discipline leading to termination.

Overall, this process should be effective but ultimately will rely on the individual to change their behavior. The last category presents its own unique challenges. These individuals do not break rules or policies but instead are viewed as difficult employees because of their actions. These employees are often those who need motivation and direction. Talking to these employees and identifying what excites them can help in determining areas within the organization that the employee can make a contribution. If the employee is bored, then the management team should find additional work to motivate the employee. If the individual isn’t happy about how certain organizational practices are being handled, the management team could place the individual on a committee to address the issue. Whatever the issue is, the management team needs to find a way to motivate the employee and the first step in accomplishing this will always be communication. This approach should be effective as long as the management team can identify an area to motivate the employee.

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Operation Management: In last weeks discussion i chose to break down the problem
Reference No:- TGS02920094

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