
in humans attached earlobes are a dominant

In humans, attached earlobes are a dominant feature over free earlobes while hypertrichosis of the ear is a holandric (Y-linked) feature. A person with attached earlobes and extensive hair on pinna married another being having free earlobes. The couple had one son with attached earlobes and hairy pinna, another son with free earlobes and hairy pinna and two daughters with attached earlobes. One of the daughters married a person with free earlobes and sparse hair on pinna. They had two sons. What would be the characteristics of their pinnae?

a.  They would have sparse hair on pinna and there would be 1 in 4 chance that both will have attached earlobes. 

b.  Both will have attached earlobes and sparse hair on pinna.

c.  There would be equal chances for both having free or attached earlobes and sparse hair on pinnae.

d.  They would have hairy pinnae and there would be 1 in 8 chance that both will have attached earlobes. 


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Biology: in humans attached earlobes are a dominant
Reference No:- TGS0309103

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