
In his ted talk steven cowley calls fusion the perfect


Even if our current energy needs can be met by nonrenewable sources, our ever-increasing demands for energy will require new energy sources. Research into some these sources may currently be in the very early stages. Many such emerging technologies will not have a substantial impact on our energy needs without additional research and development.



The Emerging Technologies and Looking Ahead sections (pages 24 - 34) from What You Need To Know About Energy-"https://www.nap.edu/read/12204/#page-R1".


The Time Magazine article by Brian Walsh on Energy Independence- "https://science.time.com/2013/05/06/energy-independence-and-other-myths-a-qa-with-michael-levi-author-of-power-surge/"

The CBS News report by Alexander Trowbridge on New Battery Technologies-"https://science.time.com/2013/05/06/energy-independence-and-other-myths-a-qa-with-michael-levi-author-of-power-surge/"
Watch the TED talks about emerging energy technologies:

Steven Cowley: Fusion is energy's future-"https://www.ted.com/talks/steven_cowley_fusion_is_energy_s_future"
Biofuels and bioprospecting for beginners - Craig A Kohn-"https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=b_lT6mJM_fA"

Next, post to the discussion board:

Answers to the following questions:

In his TED talk, Steven Cowley calls fusion "the perfect energy source." Using What You Need To Know About Energy and the Time Magazine article by Brian Walsh as your source for background information, what do you think is limiting the adoption of nuclear fusion as a source of energy?

Craig Kohn advocates for using cellulose as an alternative source of energy. Using What You Need To Know About Energy as your source for background information, what do you think is limiting the adoption of cellulose-based biofuels as a source of energy?

Once you have posted your own discussion response, you are required to comment on the posts of at least two of your classmates. You can agree or disagree with their posts, but you must explain why you have chosen to do so. Remember, if you provide a quotation from a source (i.e., your textbook or the Internet), you must include the correct citation and reference. Also, be sure to read the feedback on your own major postings and reply to it throughout the module.

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Science: In his ted talk steven cowley calls fusion the perfect
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