
In her definition of the social practice approach to

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Discussion -- Interaction Prompt A

In her definition of the "social practice approach" to literacy, Hamilton mentions "the cultural, political, economic practices within which the written word is embedded."

1. Look back at the DALN narratives you read and find examples of these practices. Post two examples. Here are some tips

Look for mentions of

Institutions: schools, hospitals, banks, clubs, churches.

Economic forces and effects: jobs, salaries, insurance, prices

Politics and government: voting, taxes, public education

Cultural forces: ideas about who is important, about gender, about what is "appropriate" or "beautiful" or "meaningful."

2. Explain how these examples relate to the ideas we are looking at this week. How do any of these influence the particular literacy experience the person is describing?  What do you think about this?  Isn't reading an individual, private experience that happens inside one person's head?  Do all these social, economic, and political forces really matter all that much?

3. Read your classmates' posts. Comment on two posts.  Go beyond saying "good point!"  or "I agree" or "I disagree."  Respond to specific parts of the post, and ask follow-up questions. If you are stuck, use one or more of these stem sentences:

I can see that you are saying ____________________________ , but when I read ________________, it made me wonder whether ___________________________ .

When you used the word ___________________ , it made me think of __________________________.  Did you mean that, or something different, like ___________________________ ?

You make a good point about the word _______________.  I think another word in the definition of digital literacy, ______________________, also relates to your sentence about ___________________, because ____________________________ .

Discussion -- Interaction Prompt B

1. Write and post two body paragraphs of your paper.  Make sure each paragraph includes specific details from your narrative and specific details from the definition of digital literacy that you are using.  Use signal phrases to introduce material from both sources, and cite them correctly.

2. Read your classmates' posts, and comment on two.

Go beyond saying "good point!"  or "I agree" or "I disagree."  Respond to specific parts of the post, and ask follow-up questions. If you are stuck, use one or more of these stem sentences:

I can see that you are saying ____________________________ , but when I read ________________, it made me wonder whether ___________________________ .

When you used the word ___________________ , it made me think of __________________________.  Did you mean that, or something different, like ___________________________ ?

You make a good point about the word _______________.  I think another word in the definition of digital literacy, ______________________, also relates to your sentence about ___________________, because ____________________________ .

Examples what other students have done.

Example 1


This narrative explains how the author was introduced into digital literacy, and also a few technological advances since then that had contributed to the digital literacy that he has today.  The forces that contributed to his digital literacy are a combination of social, economical, and educational.  He explains that the first cell phone he received was only used to communicate with his grandmother.  The cell phone was invented to solve a need to communicate with important people in our lives, and now he explains that it is used by him multiple times a day.  In fact, he explains that he cant go an entire day without using it.  He also mentions about how children in school today have a lot more technology than we did when we were kids. The fact that the kids in school use IPads instead of books, was because of economical and educational reasons.  It is cheaper and more productive for schools to use Ipads instead of books.  Also students can learn more when they have the internet as a resource.  Reading is definitely a private experience, and with today's technology it is possible for these students to experience anything they want by looking at a book or web page.

This narrative explains how the author's introduction to digital literacy happened when his family gifted him a cell phone on his 12th birthday.  He explains how he was very excited to learn everything about the phone.  He read the manual front to back so he could be well versed in the functions of the phone.  It was a very important tool for socializing.  However, he claims that digital literacy and texting has been detrimental to society's writing skills.  All of his friends use acronyms like brb, lol, etc.  With the evolution of digital media and cell phones, everybody talks in shorthand and has very little skill in writing proper messages.  I think that he has a point.  With text messaging becoming more popular, it has had an adverse effect socially and on our education system.  Kid these days don't get the experience of writing to each other formally.  They forget about punctuation, spelling, grammar, and even writing with pencil and pen.  This narrative makes me think that we need to spend more time teaching our children about correct language and how to communicate better.

Example 2


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1. In "Learning by Texting", the author explained how texting improved her knowledge with the English language. That her grammar and spelling were better. She refused to talk in"textspeak" like the others in her life. She claimed this was a big part of her development in writing skills, how digital literacy helped her for the better.

2. Carla Bonell explains in her "Learning through failure" how childhood effected her learning. As we all did, she received a speech from a teacher at an early age, and as majority of us did, she didn't listen. It took her to adulthood and trying to reach her dream to understand the wise words and how important reading really is.

Example 3


In this case Culture force played a part in his narrative.  He emphases on how his older brother played a big part in his learning experience.  He learned the appropriate way of doing everything from reading, swimming to riding horses from his older brother.  He was a great example and always kept him ahead of his other classmates.  Culture force played a role in making his learning more simplified and efficient because he had someone who influenced him through out the way.

DALN (Text)- "Dr. Suess"

In this case the author explains how her grandmother played a huge part in her learning experience. She introduced her to her first book and since then it has been a meaningful experience.  She quotes Dr. Suess book, "Why fit in when you were born to stand out.", this line is meaningful and beautiful to her. Culture force played a big role because this experience came from her grandmother's stack of books. It was something that she would do when over her grandmother's house. This culture force was meaningful to her and kept her excited about reading books and to encourage her to keep learning.

DALN (video)- "Getting Called Fag"

In this case Culture force played a big role. He explains his experience as a teenager and being called "fag". In his town you didn't see any homosexuals or better said no one would admit it because it was seen wrong by society.   Now, he states to find this experience liberating because he did not know exactly what he going through in his own world.  The fact that it was voiced made it real and seemed liberating to him because he wasn't alone, there are others like him also.  Culture force played role because in his culture at the time homosexuality was seen as inappropriate.  This experience was meaningful in his learning process and helped him to achieve much more in life.

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