Need these Questions answered on Curt Schillings Next Pitch
Study Guide - Curt Schilling's Last Pitch (A & B)
1. In general, why is it difficult to start a (profitable and sustainable) video game company?
2. Evaluate Curt Schilling as an entrepreneur, both good and bad.
3. Conduct an analysis of the important quotes in this case: a. Which quotes reflect the characteristics/attributes of a successful entrepreneur? b. Can you identify some quotes that serve as "warning signs?"
4. Why did this start-up eventually fail? What were the 3 most important causes of the decline and fall at 38 studios? Explain.
5. Consider the question posed on page 9 - A Family or a Company? a. What lessons can we take away from the case concerning the development of culture and teams within an entrepreneurial setting?
6. Compare and contrast Curt Schilling and Magic Johnson