Using these questions as guidelines, write a 2-4+ page typed critique. Staple your critique to the back of your peer's essay. Turn in his/her marked, commented-upon essay with your critique.
1 In general, what do you like best about this essay? What is convincing?
2 What makes you think? Is there anything creative that is especially effective?
3 Is this topic one that was specifically recommended? If not, what makes it work for this assignment? Or if it doesn't quite work, can you suggest a way to adjust it?
4 Is the author's opinion obvious to you? (It shouldn't be.) How can s/he provide more balance?
1 Is each character both credible and necessary? Would an "undecided student" help to clarify things? To what extent is the character a stereotype? Specifically how can the writer make the character less predictable?
2 In one or two sentences, explain each character's point of view as you see it, and then analyze the relative quality of each. Remember, all characters and their arguments should be strong; each character should contribute to the discussion in a positive way. Avoid making the debate "realistic" if that means one side is unimpressive.
1 Can you think of specific arguments that will need to be covered in the next draft? (For example, in an essay about capital punishment, does the author leave out racial or financial aspects?) Which arguments are the strongest to you at this point? Do any overpower the others? Which are still somewhat weak?
2 Has the author incorporated philosophical arguments yet? If so, did they seem appropriate? What "big questions" can you suggest adding? (The more, the better...)
3 What needs to be developed further? What still seems vague or undeveloped? What additions/clarifications should be made? What is the weakest part of the essay so far?
4 Is there anything else that should be covered?
1 Go over your copy of the essay carefully, circling mechanical and MLA errors. If you can, comment on recurring grammatical or spelling errors.