
In general how do the gods and goddesses described in the

50 words each (#1-7 respond to or add to these post/comments using the attached article) and #8 personal knowledge or any sourceto answer

1. I found some interestedly information as I read about Demeter and Persephone. Demeter had a mind set of how to comforter her soul, she stated neither will the Gods or men will fulfill her soul.

Demeter desires was the temple and how the alter should be. Demeter had alot of faith upon herself, she brought the man kind harvest and fruitful crops. Demeter also spread the blessings with the agriculture. Demeter was the wife of Zeus and the mother of Persephone. Demeter daughter Persephone was lower by the sent from a perfumed flower.

2. This story was interesting. I had never heard of the name Demeter before this week, being so close to Zeus and hearing that name alot you would have thought she was more popular.

From the story you can tell she had alot of faith upon herself and was a strong women.I can say when reading each God and Goddess, Horus was one that had standed out to me. Horus was consider to be an egyptian god. Pharaoh was protected by Horus. Horus carry the upper and lower egypt. As i read further on Horus was describe as a perfect example of a son.

3. Demeter was the wife of Zues and the god over crops. She was seen as great importance being she was over all of the crops and fruit. Demeter was said to bring famine or drought if she was unpleased. Persephone was the daughter to Demeter. Persephone was taken one day while out picking flowers.

Thanks for sharing your insights from the reading this week. There is also an element in some of these stories that reveal creation. The creation of gods helps to explain the origin of them just like we have stories to help explain origin of humans. Based upon the readings this week, what similarities, if any, did you notice in these stories?

4. Hello, all. The myth of Demeter and Persephone is an interesting explanation regarding the different seasons, and how they affect agriculture.

I appreciated that the daughters of Celeus were kind to Demeter and that the family took her in. Usually, myths tell of a tale where a deity disguises themselves as an elderly, fragile being and the royalty they encounter do not treat them well. Any topic from reading attached article

5. Thanks for sharing that you found this reading interesting and that it highlighted the different seasons. Although it the story was brief there were some elements about the goddesses shared. How does Demeter or Persephone as divinities compare with other divinities discussed this week? I look forward to your response.

6. This was very interesting reading. The one thing that jumped out at me was Demeter, meaning earth-mother presided over agriculture she directed and utilized Rhea's productive powers. Later, Rhea lost her importance as a ruling deity so Demeter assumed all of her (Rheas') functions and attributes. It seems that as time or the generation went on people lost interest in the older gods, and the newer ones took their place. Just like movie stars, the big names start to fade away as the newer ones take the helm.

7. Any topic about the reading

8. In general, how do the gods and goddesses described in the myths resemble human men and women? How do they differ?Are the similarities and differences important to their divine status? Explain why or why not.

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