
In general a law is a rule enforceable by the judicial

Disaster Preparedness Policy

In general, a law is a rule enforceable by the judicial system, while a policy is a written rule-usually within an organization. Policies must comply with the law and are generally (but not always) more detailed than a law. Thus, the Post-Katrina Act (a law) requires the president to create a National Preparedness System. Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8) describes in detail the various components of the National Preparedness System and mandates certain deadlines to ensure the National Preparedness System gets completed. If, however, PPD-8 contained a provision that violated the Post-Katrina Act (or any other law), it could be struck down by the courts. Together, emergency management laws and policies shape how preparedness activities are developed, implemented, and reviewed (including oversight of the activity) in the United States.

For this Discussion, research and select a policy related to disaster preparedness. Consider how you would evaluate this policy.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post a brief description of the disaster preparedness policy you selected. Then explain whether the policy is effective, deficient, or encroaches on state or local disaster preparedness efforts and how. Finally, suggest one improvement to the policy.

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Business Management: In general a law is a rule enforceable by the judicial
Reference No:- TGS02871110

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