
In fruit flies the gene y for yellow body is sex-linked

In fruit flies the gene (y) for yellow body is sex-linked (inthe first chromosome) and recessive. Bar eye is produced by asex-linked dominant gene (B). The gene (Cy) for curly wings isdominant located on the second chromosome. The gene (Pm) for plumcolored eyes is a dominant also located in the second chromosome. Both curly and plum are homozygous lethal. A bar-eye male iscrossed with a yellow, curly, plum female whose mother was curlyand whose father was plum. An inversion is present which suppressedcrossing-over along the second chromosome in the female. Diagramthe cross on the chromosomes and summarize the expected results forsex and phenotypic characters.

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Biology: In fruit flies the gene y for yellow body is sex-linked
Reference No:- TGS0798024

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