1. In Figure 14.40a, for the anchor slab in sand, H 5 1.52 m, h 5 0.91 m, B 5 1.22 m,S9 5 2.13 m, f9 5 308, and g 5 17.3 kN/m3. The anchor plates are made of con- crete and have a thickness of 76 mm. Using Ovesen and Stromann's method, calculate the ultimate holding capacity of each anchor. Take gconcrete 5 23.58 kN/m3.
2. A single anchor slab is shown in Figure P14.12. Here, H 5 0.9 m, h 5 0.3 m, g 5 17 kN/m3, and f9 5 328. Calculate the ultimate holding capacity of the anchor slab if the width B is (a) 0.3 m, (b) 0.6 m, and (c) 5 0.9 m. (Note: center-to-center spacing, S9 5 '.) Use the empirical correlation given in Section 14.16 [Eq. (14.92)].