
In earlier eras it was important to read because that was

Respond to Peers: Respond to at least two of your classmates' initial posts. Each response should be at least 75 words in length and address two or more of the following points:

• Do you agree with your classmates' perspectives? Why, or why not? Be specific.

• Ask a specific question to encourage further discussion on the topic.

• Challenge your classmates' interpretation of literature and/or point of view.

• Do a small amount of research and share what you learn with your peers about the topic discussed in this post

• Krysten Younger

75 Word Count Response

Literature offers an individual a way to escape and reflect. Clugston says, "Connecting with literature also allows you to reflect on the significance of common human experiences in your life." (Clugston 2014)

In earlier eras, it was important to read because that was how we communicated and obtained knowledge. We needed paper, writing utensils, and books. Today there are many different ways to communicate, and you do not even have to read to learn something. You can watch a video on YouTube to learn how to change the oil in your car. Reading is still essential, but not as necessary as it was in previous eras now that we have the technology to use videos and pictures to communicate more so than words. We do not seem to read something unless it is of interest to ourselves or can be quickly read.

I do believe Clugston's quote "a powerful curiosity about human relationships and how to cope in the world in which we find ourselves," (Clugston 2014) still holds validity. We still turn to literature for understanding. For example, people all over the world are reading online articles and Facebook updates about the mass shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada. We are all trying to find a reason as to why this happened.

We do not value literature as we did before. Everything is moving so quickly in our world now that majority of the time if what we are reading does not get straight to the point we move on and forget about it. It is not worth our time.

So unless it grabs ahold of our attention and keeps up there, it is irrelevant. A lot of people do not even read books anymore, which is extremely sad. It feels as though technology is almost in a way ruining literature. Technology has changed our perception of literature.


Clugston, R. W. (2014). Journey into Literature (2nd ed.) (Links to an external site.) [Electronic version].

• Arthur King

75 Word Count Response

Literature has many genres that most find unique for themselves. We all want to have the ability to express ourselves in our own fashion or to be able to tell a story that others could possibly have mutual feelings too. Literature offers new worlds, presents new ideas, and stimulates personal change (Clungston, 2014). It has the power to govern or help the way we think.

In the earlier days, the internet was not as popular as it is now, therefore, reading is not as important as it was back then. We may all know a group of individuals would prefer to view the book played into a tv show or movie.

For example, before Game of Thrones was published on tv, the book was out with similar excitement and plot twist. No one cared to read the book if it was on tv. Due to the technology advancement, earlier folks did not have this privilege. Reading books was the utmost important avenue for adventure and knowledge of the world.

We read differently now because literature is displayed through cinema. Many short stories that I know of lacks the complexity of seeking the true understanding of it meaning. As I was becoming of age, books were more complex to understand to stress the brain for intellectual growth.

At my current age, many schools curriculum still seek these old published books for their lesson. I have not yet seen a more recent book that is used for such educational benefits.

Clugston's quote is still valid. Humans have a very curious mind that wants to explore new adventures from self-exploration or witnessing from others.

If they cannot afford to either, they will start to create fictional stories which turn out to better than the nonfictional. Literature is still important in today's generation.

The biggest concern is that we do not give credit to the past writers that give our literature that we write today the baseline of what we do. That significant writing is forgotten because it is no longer valid for today's conversation. In chapter three of our text, mention briefly on this topic.


Clugston, W.R. (2014). Journey into Literature (2nd ed.) [Electronic version].

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