
In diabetic female patients aged from 55- 75 does education

PICOT Question and the Literature Search Process

PICOT Question: In diabetic female patients aged from 55- 75, does education on behavior change assist patient on manage or prevent complications from diabetes vs patients who do not attain behavioral change education.? 

P: Population - Diabetic female patients aged from 55 - 75.

I: Intervention - Education of female diabetic patients to promote behavioral change on diabetic's female patients in the community.  

C: Comparison - Diabetic female patients who are educated on behavior change compare to female patient with no education on behavior change  

O: Outcome - Diabetic female patients in the study that attain education on behavioral change can be able to manage or prevent diabetic complications unlike the female patients who do not attain behavioral change education.  

T: Time - The EBP will take approximately six months for it to achieve a quantifiable outcome.


Your PICOT needs some additional refining. Please refer to my feedback in the week 2 discussion. You must have an outcome that is measurable. Your Intervention needs to be very clear and the comparison should be what is currently done or the absence of the intervention you are proposing.


You currently have: 

  • P: Population/patient - Diabetics female patients between the age of 55 to 75
  • I: Intervention- Education on behavior change Here you need to define exactly what behavior change you are expecting and are educating on.
  • C: Comparison - underprivileged patients versus wealthy patientsYour comparison is not in different populations but in different interventions. In this situation, you would compare the selected behavior change to the current behavior of the patients. 
  • O:Outcome - Diabetic's population, will be able to retain the education and make change appropriately. For your outcome, you need something concrete that can be measured. How will you know if the education and behavior change has been effective?
  • T: Time - approximately 6 months to achieve an outcome
  • Look at the comments above and continue to develop your PICOT. Please let me knwo how I can help.

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History: In diabetic female patients aged from 55- 75 does education
Reference No:- TGS02712197

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