
In developing your research questions and hypotheses

Info on Research Questions and Hypotheses

In developing your Research Questions and Hypotheses sections of your chosen topic in assignment 5 you should only state the questions and hypotheses with only minimal discussion required or needed. Example 1: “gender and job satisfaction"

The problem statement: There is a perception among employers that there are different priorities in life and work between males and females. This perception causes inadvertent barriers to females and many talented women have been marginalized from traditional development activities, which have limited their access to management positions. This perception creates a strong feeling of discrimination among females looking for higher positions, which has a tremendous impact on their job satisfaction and productivity. Researchers such as Hodson (1989) found that gender differences in the determination of job satisfaction has slight differences in the process between men and women (Hodson, 1989).

It also has been found that men and women have a different evaluation of their jobs due to different characteristics in the workplace (Hodson, 1989). The purpose of this research is to determine if gender has an effect on job satisfaction. The study will focus on three areas 1) the achievement of goal expectation, 2) job security, and 3) motivation.

Example Research Questions

The research questions are:

1. Is there a difference between the job satisfaction levels of female managers as compared to the job satisfaction level of their male counterparts within the space exploration industry?

2. Is there a correlation between a female's job satisfaction level and their years of experience in the space exploration industry?

3. Is there a correlation between a male's job satisfaction level and their years of experience in the space exploration industry?

Example Hypotheses Possible Hypotheses: (provide just 1 here)

1. Hypothesis:

H 0 = There is no difference between the job satisfaction level of men and women executives

H1 = There is a difference between the job satisfaction level of men and women executives

2. Hypothesis:

H 0 = There is no difference between the leadership styles of men and women executives

H1 = There is a difference between the leadership styles of men and women executives NOTE TO STUDENTS: The null hypothesis is generally that which is presumed to be true initially. It is rejected only when it becomes evidently false, that is, when the researcher is 90%, 98%, or 99% confident that the data do not support it. Please refer to the textbook to learn about this concept.

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Operation Management: In developing your research questions and hypotheses
Reference No:- TGS02231713

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