In community A, there is a single beekeeper and a single garden. The bees obtain nectar from the garden but provide no relevant pollination services. The bees, however, are a nuisance to the owner of the garden. The garden owner brings a lawsuit against the beekeeper and the judge provides the following opinion. “The garden was there before the beekeeper arrived and the bees are clearly a nuisance. The court hereby orders the beekeeper to cease operations.” Graphically show and define the economic issue being experienced by the beekeeper and the gardener. What economic principle is the judge employing in her opinion? Be sure to provide a complete discussion of this principle.
In community B, there are many garden owners and a single beekeeper. The garden owners bring a lawsuit against the beekeeper and the judge issues the opinion that the beekeeper must pay damages based on the number of bees he/she owns (basically a tax on bees). Why in this case would the opinion differ than in community A? What principle is the judge relying on in this case?