Using Excel
DSS spreadsheet utilizing the following steps:
In Row 1, Make a header row with the following labels in bold font:
- Column A: Vendor Name
- Column B: Jet Fuel Price
- Column C: Avgas Price
In Column A, Rows 2 through 6, list the following vendors:
- ABC Fuel
- Midwest Fuel
- Texas Wildcat Fuel
- KC Fuel
- Royal Canadian Fuel
In Columns B and C, Rows 2 through 6, enter imaginary pricing values for all vendors and both types of fuel, keeping the range of values between $5.00 and $10.00 for each type of fuel.
Format the cells in Columns B and C, Rows 2 through 6 as "Currency" with two decimal places.
- Label the cell in Column A, Row 8, "Best Jet Fuel Price" in bold font. Label the cell in Column A, Row 9, "Jet Fuel Vendor" in bold font.
- Label the cell in Column A, Row 11, "Best Avgas Price" in bold font.
- Label the cell in Column A, Row 12, "Avgas Vendor" in bold font.
Using Functions and Formulas
- Using the MIN function, Make a formula for the cell located in Column B, Row 8 that calculates the lowest value for the Jet Fuel pricing available from the five vendors.
- Using the MIN function,Make a formula for the cell located in Column C, Row 11 that calculates the lowest value for the Avgas pricing available from the five vendors.
- Using nested "IF" functions, Make a formula for the cell in Column B, Row 9 that places the name of the "winning" vendor for the "Best Jet Fuel Price."
- The following video offers valuable tips on how to create nested "IF" functions:
- Excel Nested IF function (YouTube 09:45) (Links to an external site.)
- Links to an external site.
- Select "Align Right" for the data in the cell located at Column B, Row 9.
- Using nested "IF" functions, Make a formula for the cell in Column C. Row 12 that places the name of the "winning" vendor for the "Best Avgas Price."
- Select "Align Right" for the data in the cell located at Column C, Row 12.
- Select "all Borders" for the cells in Columns A, B, and C, Rows 1 through 12.