Caveats and Warnings: Make certain that all work is your own work. You may use lectures, the book, the videos or other materials, but you will need to cite any information you use that is not your personal opinion. Cite any sources by simply referring to the source within parentheses at the point you cite it. Do not copy material from websites, other papers or other resources unless it is a short quote with a citation. If you refer to material from lectures, simply refer to the lecture by number (e.g., Lecture 2b). If you refer to the book, you can refer to the page number (e.g., Hanson, pg. 127), or, if from an assigned video, simply refer to the video (e.g., as in "The Day We Learned to Think"). If you cite something from outside of class materials, provide the last name of the author in parentheses, and provide a full citation at the bottom of the page. So, for an outside source, it would be: your text (Smith).
and at the bottom of the page, something like:
Smith, Arnold. (Links to an external site.)
You may follow any format style with which you are familiar, as long as you provide enough information for us to track down a source if needed.
For each question write no more than a full page length, Single Spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font.
Course Reading: Mass communication: Living in a media world (5th edition). Washington, DC: CQ Press
Here are the questions:
1. Early in the class, we said that "communication and society are inter-dependent." Explain what the phrase means, then use an example from lecture, assigned videos, or the book to help you illustrate that meaning.
Hint: In your answer, you will need to provide a verbal explanation that explains why this is true. In your example, make certain that you explain how the example applies. To test how well your example does, see if all of the information you identified in your verbal explanation is covered by the example.
2. In class we talked about how both newspapers and motion pictures developed amid serious objections from one or more segments of society. Compare and contrast the development and history of motion pictures in regard to regulation. Use examples to clarify your answer.
Describe how the history, to the present day, of the newspaper and motion picture industries has been affected by these early differences.
Hint: Make certain you indicate which aspects of society (e.g., government, the public, regulatory agencies) were involved in the regulation of the two media, how they exerted pressures, and how the pressure was relieved through regulatory mechanisms or regulatory bodies. Then indicate how regulation of the two industries has worked since those early days
3. Explain how the Camera Obscura and Magic Lantern led eventually to the development of the synchronous mass audience.
Hint: For this answer, first you'll need to define the terms related to audiences, then you'll need to trace the Camera Obscura and the Magic Lantern history from their invention to commercial ventures, so that you can explain the audience's relationship with the technology, and explain how the audience formed around these two technologies and their successors to arrive at the synchronous mass audience.