
In class we discussed the health leadership competency

Question 1. Read the Gourmand fable and answer the question: what is, and what should be, the role of the consumer in the health services system? Be specific, and note not only concepts from the fable but how they relate to the health care system.?

Question 2. In class we talked about three types of power: referent, expert, and legitimate. First, define each of these types of power. Then, describe what type of power you think is most effective from a manager's perspective? Finally, what kind is most preferred by other members of the organization? Why do you think that?

Question 4. What do you consider the value of informal groups? Are there any problems informal groups could cause?

Question 5. Complete the questions in the case study: The Business Office (included in the exam review)

Question 6. Give an example of a merger that you think was either successful or unsuccessful. What made it work/not work?

Question 7. In class we discussed a number of reasons why health care costs are skyrocketing. Describe what you would consider the major reason for this and why.

Question 8. Who (or what) do you think is the major factor behind a continual desire for technological advances - including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, systems, etc. - in the medical field. Why? As administrators, should we consider that desire good or bad

Question 9. If you were a small group of physicians in Salt Lake County, with whom would a strategic alliance be most effective? Using reasons discussed in class, tell me why that alliance would be most effective.

Question 10. In class we discussed (somewhat facetiously) the 5th disease/disorder (if it doesn't show up earlier at least) that comes up when any symptom is typed into WebMD. What disease/disorder was it? Knowing that people have are receiving this kind of information when searching about conditions/diseases/treatments, how would you as an administrator try to alleviate misinformation when these individuals come to your clinic/hospital?

Question 11. Thinking about the "cow picture" - describe an example (preferably in your workplace or other experience) of one of the methods of coordination. How did it work?

Question 12. Chapter 5 talks about 6 functions of management. In your experience, which is the hardest function for the manager in health care? Use an example if possible?

Question 13. Which of Fayol's concepts do, or would, you consider the most complicated as a manager? Why? Give examples at your own worksite if possible.?

Question 14. In class, we discussed the Health Leadership Competency Model. Using the model, describe what facet of leadership hospital administration lacks the most. Then describe what facet health administration does best. How would you suggest fixing the weakest facet?

Question 15. Analyze a decision-making process you've engaged in (either at work, school, home, etc). Did it match up with the decision-making steps from the book? Why or why not? Be specific?

Question 16. Based on the information we've discussed in the first part of class, does Business = Health Care? Discuss in detail, why or why not?

Question 17. In class we discussed "decision making traps." Which trap do you see most often and why do you think that is?

Question 18. Draw the "cow picture" and attach (or bring to class -- both are acceptable for full credit). On that picture, circle the component most important to an HSO (in your mind). Describe why that component is most important.?

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