
In chapter 9 the theme of individualism was evident in many

1. Be able to define culture, tell how we process culture and why we might be prisoners of our own culture.
2. In Chapter 9, the theme of individualism was evident in many of the values, myths and parables about American culture that the author discussed. Be able to use your own examples or ones that we discussed in class of how the individual emerges in American myths, values and parables.
3. Be able to discuss the values of (1)change and progress and (2)efficiency and practicality in American marketing.
4. Be able to explain/define the channels of nonverbal communication discussed in Chapter 10: kinesics, chrometics, proxemics, haptics and artifacts.
5. Be able to tell what some of the more effective ways to use nonverbal communication. That is in terms of body movements, appearance, eye contact, handling time, touch and things, what are some examples of best practices.
6. What are gender differences in nonverbal communication?
7. What is an integrated marketing campaign? What did IMC evolve from?
8. What is a campaign and how does it differ from previous persuasive efforts (p. 311)?
9. Be able to explain the Yale Five-Stage Developmental Model that a campaign pass through (pp. 313-320.).
10. Be able to explain the DiffusioffInnovation Model that explains how people adopt change.
11. In Chapter 12, on pages 339.341, explain why the textbook's author suggests narratives are good to use for his audiences.
12. Be able to explain the persuasive tactics often used in public speaking (pp. 357-362).
13. Be able to discuss Marshall McLuhan's (pp. 381.385) statement that "the medium is the message," and his idea that modern media has the ability to "destroy space" and create a global village. (McLuhan is very important in communication theory.)
14. Be able to explain the Uses and Gratification Theory.
15. Be able to explain Agenda Setting Theory.
16. Be able to explain Social Learning Theory.
17. Be able to explain Cultivation Theory.
18. In Chapter 14, learn the definition of brand.
19. V/hat is a slogan?
20. What is a jingle? C"Ilf
21. What is a logo? - Ot) /^ ?".4"/
22. Why do businesses spend time and money in packaging?
23. What is TOMA positioning and using a strategy known as "outside-in" in marketing.
24. What issues for persuasion In an overcommunicated society?
25. How do persuaders break through the "clutter" in an overcommunicated society?

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Dissertation: In chapter 9 the theme of individualism was evident in many
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