Blood Pressure Data
Patient ID Systolic Diastolic
1 160 110
2 150 90
3 110 60
4 120 80
5 130 70
6 150 90
7 130 80
8 120 60
9 90 40
Application: Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals
In biostatistics, hypothesis testing is used to determine the likelihood of observing a particular value of a sample statistic. Confidence intervals provide a measure of accuracy by allowing us to define a range within which the true population parameter falls (with a prescribed degree of confidence).
To complete this Application Assignment, use the sample blood pressure data set above and complete the following problems.
• Calculate a 95% confidence interval for systolic blood pressure and a 95% confidence interval for diastolic blood pressure. Show the formulas you use to calculate the confidence intervals.
• Scan your completed work into an image file and then insert it into a Word document.
• In one sentence (each) interpret what the confidence intervals you calculated signify.